ph: 0415 348 441
Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer a Certificate III course in 2024.
AHC33816 Certificate III in Permaculture 2023
​National ID: AHC33816
​in partnership with

Are you ready to take your permaculture skills to the next level? In this accredited qualification we will get you working on permaculture projects, researching plants, animals and weather, propagating plants, building, and much more.
This qualification relates to those individuals who work either independently or in teams to establish and maintain permaculture systems for private clients, organisations or community entities. They perform tasks involving a broad range of skilled applications in a wide variety of contexts, which may involve application of some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, elements in a design or contingency measures.
The qualification is suited to learners who wish to work at the skilled tradesman level within permaculture projects and enterprises, and may involve supervision of others and working with people of diverse backgrounds and abilities.
No occupational licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
This course is delivered face-to-face on twelve weekends over the course of the year (200 contact hours), plus additional optional Zoom meetings, study time at home for research, projects and assessments (plan in 700 hours).
Contact weekends dates:
January 28/29th
February 25/26th
March 25/26th
April 22/23rd
May 20/21st
June 24/25th
July 29/30th
August 26/27th
September 23/24th
October 21/22nd
November 18/19th
December 2/3rd
Training occurs at locations all over the Perth metro and hills area, with excursions and field trips to various properties, including at least one overnight stay in the wheatbelt.