ph: 0415 348 441
Short Story Competition
1st prize: Permaculture Design Course ticket
2nd prize: Introduction to Permaculture Workshop
3rd prize: Linda Woodrow's novel 470

How would a permaculture future look? Can permaculture guide us in an uncertain future?
Follow the footsteps of Linda Woodrow (470), Kim Stanley Robinson (Science In The Capital trilogy), Starhawk (The Fifth Sacred Thing) and James Howard Kunstler (World Made By Hand series) in imagining a future shaped by permaculture.
We are looking for submissions of speculative fiction short stories around the topic of
How permaculture can help us in an uncertain future
Speculative fiction is a term used to describe not only science fiction, ‘sci-fi’, but its subgenre of alternative futures. The speculative fiction genre offers a way to think about the future by encasing it in a fiction-writing format.
1st Prize: A ticket to one of PEA’s Permaculture Design Courses (PDC), valid for one year from announcement of winning.
2nd Prize: One ticket to one of Gaia Permaculture’s full-day Introduction to Permaculture Workshops, valid for one year from announcement of winning.
3rd Prize: Novel 470 by Linda Woodrow
Deadline: 11:59pm on 5. April 2021 (Easter Monday)
Winners will be announced on International Permaculture Day 2. May 2021
Length: not to exceed 2,500 words
How to submit: Please send your submissions to info@peasperthpdc.com and include your full name and date of birth. If you submit a story, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the conditions below and that the story is your own original work.
Terms and Conditions:
Entry is open to all authors aged 16 years and older that are current residents of Australia.
Please be aware that prizes are Perth-based, do not include accommodation and board, and no alternative monetary price can be given.
A maximum of three entries per author will be accepted.
The maximum length of each entry is 2,500 words, excluding the title.
Stories must be submitted electronically to the email address above.
Documents are not returned to the sender.
Submitted Stories must be .doc or .docx
Computer file titles can be named however you like.
The stories are to be formatted in 12-point Times Roman, Arial, Calibri or similar bland typeface.
The story must match the competition theme.
By submitting the story, the author warrants that the story has not been published elsewhere (including electronically) and that they own the copyright to the story.
Any entries submitted for this competition should not simultaneously be entered or under consideration for any other competition or award.
All authors provide the publisher with the right to publish the story. The copyright to the story is always retained by the author and the author may submit it elsewhere. 'Publish' includes all forms of electronic publication, including podcasts.
The author will agree to his/her name being published along with the story. The author’s biography or image will only be used in marketing and publicity materials by Permaculture Educators Alliance if he/she agrees to this in writing.
Authors may be asked to contribute their story to an anthology of short stories at a later point in time. Permission to reprint the story will not be unreasonably withheld. No compensation will be given to authors but they will always be credited with their name.
The decision of the judges is final and legally binding and no correspondence shall be entered into regarding the awards.
The prizes may not be changed to a monetary compensation if the winner is unable to come to Perth to attend a course they have won.
Courses do not include accommodation or travel allowances and only snacks generally included in the courses.
The closing date for submissions is 11:59pm 5. April 2021 Australian Western Standard Time. No submissions will be accepted after this time, under any circumstances.
Results will be posted on this website on 2. May 2021 and winners will be notified by email.